aviation: Winter 2023/24: Condor lays Tenerife South from Nuremberg

aviation Winter 202324 Condor lays Tenerife South from Nuremberg


The holiday airline Condor intends to offer the destination Tenerife South from Nuremberg in the 2023/24 winter flight schedule. Two weekly rotations are currently planned, but according to the reservation system, you will not be able to fly yourself.

The course pair DE1792/DE1793 is to be served from October 30, 2023 on Mondays and Fridays with Airbus A320 aircraft. The carrier’s booking mask indicates that the operational implementation will not be carried out by Condor itself, but by a « Condor Partner Airline ». However, this has not yet been named by the holiday airline.

The article Winter 2023/24: Condor lays Tenerife South from Nuremberg appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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Author: Alain MICHEL