Austria Advertising will have a new head of communications, Tanja Gruber, in February 2024. She currently works for Wiener Linien.
Tanja Gruber was previously press spokeswoman for Austrian Airlines and also headed the communications department on an ad-interim basis for some time. After seven years, she moved to the AUA to head the communications department at Wiener Linien. Apr Feb 2024 she works in a comparable position for Austria Advertising.
“Her professional expertise, both in external and internal communication, coupled with her creativity, make Tanja Gruber the ideal person for our corporate communications position.” Above all, she impressed us with her empathetic art and her outstanding concept. She brings many years of experience in various areas of corporate communications as well as extensive management experience. “We are very pleased to be able to welcome Tanja to the Austria Advertising team soon,” says ÖW managing director Astrid Steharnig-Staudinger.
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